Let’s Increase Water Sanitation Together.

Project Overview

Building an AI program that helps people detect dirty and clean water through their mobile devices like android and iPhone.

People will have to detect dirty and clean water through their mobile devices whenever they are.

My major goal is to increase water sanitation in communities.

Did you know this?

Most local villagers in communities use dirty and unsafe water for domestic use because of long distances to safe and clean water and many other reasons.


Research says that 33% of the people in the world don’t have access to clean water.

Source: Click here

How water becomes dirty.

Many purities make the water dirty or unsafe. In most local communities, chemicals from farms or companies, human wastes, and many others contaminate water.

The water sources become dirtier and dirtier during rainy seasons. Due to the human and animal wastes which go into water sources In most local villages, kids and animals defecate around water sources, and when rain rains, they mix with soil sediments carried by running water, and they all go into water sources.

The solution to the problem.


Procedure. (On the phone)
